Lawinen- und Murgang-Alarmsystem Brienzergrat
Am Brienzersees zwischen Brienz und Interlaken sind die Bahnlinie und Kantonsstrasse durch zahlreiche Lawinenzüge und Murgang-Gerinne gefährdet und häufig verschüttet. Aufgrund dieser Ausgangslage wurde von den Verantwortlichen der beiden Verkehrsträger der Entscheid gefasst, sieben der Lawinenzüge und Murgang-Gräben mit einem Alarmsystem auszustatten, um so die Sicherheit der Verkehrsteilnehmer der Bahn und Strasse zu erhöhen.
Learn moreImproved snow depth measurement in the "Vallone di Solco" avalanche path
At the IMIS slope station in the avalanche train "Vallone di Solco" we installed an additional snow depth measurement in autumn 2022. The snow depth gauge is mounted on a 70m long steel cable and measures directly in the avalanche's incipient zone. This allows the adjacent blasting pylons to be managed efficiently. In addition, it can be used to precisely determine the incipient height of avalanches and use it for further evaluations.
IMIS Ministation Büelenberg
An IMIS mini-station was installed and commissioned on the Büelenberg near Davos at the end of 2022. With optimised mechanics, a station with lower project costs and comparable maintenance possibilities can be created at such locations with lower snow depth and avalanche risk.
Meteo station in Val Nalps
In order to investigate the directional solar radiation and snow deposition at a potential PV site in the high mountains, a solar test facility was installed in Val Nalps in March 2023.
Learn moreSensAlpin and PermaSense
SensAlpin employees Andi and Sämi were previously involved in the PermaSense and X-Sense research projects. Now we were once again involved in field work with ETH Zurich...
Learn morede-icing of wind stations
Wind stations are located on exposed peaks. Accordingly, they are often covered in frost and ice after winter storms. If necessary, we pay a visit to the stations and free them from the load.